Attention: Insurance Professionals FREE BOOK Reveals the Secrets of How to Get More Clients Easier with a Client Newsletter!How do YOU get more clients easier? Well, when you get a fresh lead, you really have no clue where they are in the buying process – the beginning, still gathering data, or at the end, ready to open their wallet. You don’t know if you are the first agent they contacted or the last information they seek before they commit. If you give up too soon, you walk away from not only the potential commission, but also waste the money spent obtaining the lead AND lose out on repeat business and referrals – all of which could have been gained with more communication.
A quality newsletter program pays for itself by profitably working leads months and even years later – giving you a return on the investment of the newsletter AND the leads that might have been otherwise trashed. It slashes your marketing costs: you can buy fewer leads and still get more sales with less effort. It takes too much time, money and effort to create a new client only to lose them to another agent. By staying in front of your clients with an outstanding newsletter you can expect not only a much higher retention rate, but to cross-sell them as well. How much money did you lose last year because clients did not call you to buy again or refer a friend? Could there be a gold mine of missed sales opportunities in your filing cabinet that you don’t even know about? If your clients are not coming back to you for ALL your products, you need a newsletter program! Newsletter marketing is the easiest, most time-efficient, cost-effective, relationship-building, status-raising, retention-enhancing and referral-inducing follow-up tool available to an agent. Looking at it that way, it’s folly not to have an automated follow-up tool like a client newsletter! |
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