Whether you live in tornado alley, wildfire zones or along coastlines prone to flooding and hurricanes – now is the time to properly insure your home and possessions.
In recent years severe weather disasters across the country have inflicted more than $43 billion in damage. But research suggests more than half of consumers do not have an inventory of their possessions. Now is the time to make sure you have properly insured your 'stuff.'
Creating a simple home inventory helps you track what you own and what it is worth, making important insurance decisions easier. Here are the 7 Best Home Inventory Apps of 2020
- Sortly (iOS, Android): Best Overall
- Memento Database (iOS, Android, Desktop): Most Versatile
- Nest Egg (iOS): Most Features
- MyStuff (iOS): Best for Organizing Collections
- Magic Home Inventory (Android): Best for Multiple Properties
- BluePlum Home Inventory (iOS): Best for Remote Management
- Smart Inventory System by NonZeroApps (Android): Best for Tracking Quantities